Player Equipment
Basic Lacrosse Equipment
The following is a list of Lacrosse gear. This can be obtained at stores such as Source for Sports, and Sportswheels.
- Hockey helmet, mask and mouth guard (Available at Canadian Tire is fine)
- Cup or Jill
- Lacrosse stick (recommend stiff/composite shafts for U11 and older and make sure the heads are strong plastic and not light duty)
- Lacrosse/Hockey shoulder/arm pads. U13+ Require Upper Arm Guards
- Lacrosse kidney pads
- Lacrosse/Hockey gloves (most kids have lacrosse gloves, which are easier to grasp a rounded lacrosse stick)
- Shorts
- Indoor sneakers (basketball sneakers are the best)
The Association provides jerseys. We also provide the following equipment for goalies:
- Neck guards
- Chest Protectors and Arm Pads (Uppers)
- Shin Pads
- Goalie Stick

Box Lacrosse - Equipment Updates/Bulletins
Helmets & Facemasks
There are three helmet options for a Lacrosse player to use
- CSA approved hockey helmet and CSA approved hockey facemask combo;
- CSA approved hockey helmet and CSA approved lacrosse facemask combo
There are currently five CSA approved facemasks for lacrosse:
- Under Armour Model UA V96 (in sizes Jr. and Sr.)
- Under Armour CLA Mask (in sizes Jr. and Sr.)
- Marty O’Neill MX-13 (in sizes Jr. and Sr.)
- OTNY (in sizes Jr. and Sr.)
- Gait G7 (in sizes Jr. and Sr.)
- Warrior Fatboy (in size Jr. and Sr.)